Outstanding manpower equipped with 5,092 licenses 3,719 persons
LX employs 3,719 specialists. These certified employees provide prompt land information services at 12 HQs and 176 branches in Korea. Those professionals with 5,092 licenses provide accurate cadastral and survey service and spatial information service and they lead the informatization of Korean land.
Added value for each officer or employee 10,000 US Dollars
All officers and employees of LX dedicate their all-out efforts to injecting dynamic energy into the Korean economy. As a result, in 2015, the sales figure for each officer and employee was recorded at 87,700 US Dollars or more and added value for each was 10,000 US Dollars.
Number of users for LX Tojiallim-e App 172,807 persons
LX Tojiallim-e is a free application to provide breaking news on climate, evacuation information and land information on addresses and current locations in addition to the available information. Because of this attribute, 172,807 persons (as of 2015) are using this service.
Digital cadastral to be completed with the digital cadastral survey 37 million lots
Information on some 37 million lots will be structured in digital format through the digital cadastral survey project. When the major-scale business is completed, it will be the digital land appropriate for the informatization era.
The amount of the domestic spatial information industry is worth 122 M US Dollars and the added value rate is 25.5%. The entire industry comprises 24.3%, with the added value rate of manufacturing business and construction business measured at 21.7%, 24.4%, and 9.8%, respectively, and the future value in spatial information industry can be clearly ascertained.
Added-value rate of major industries
Source of date : Ministry of Land and Transportation
As a representative public agency on cadastral and spatial information of Korea, LX shares its advanced technology with countries around the world. It provides the Korea-style cadastral system to developing countries that require efficient land administration, such as Azerbaijan, Morocco, Jamaica, and Turkmenistan.