The Role of Cadastre
Registration of Land, Cadaster
“Cadaster” refers to a permanent national system that registers and publicly discloses the physical status and legal rights for real estate (lands and buildings) and manages any modifications to this information. The basic concept of the use and management of national land, “cadaster,” comprises boundary, location, form, rights, area, category of land, buildings and parcel number, etc. It forms the basis of information to present the value criteria for the relevant land.
Purpose of Cadastral Survey
A cadastral survey is indispensable in protecting the citizen’s property rights by registering land information on the cadastral records, which serve to publicly verify cadastral information such as the location and area of land. Capitalizing on its abundant surveying experience accumulated over a long period of time and advanced technological superiority, LX surveys the land in a prompt and accurate manner and offers useful information for the daily lives of the Korean people.